

Update Review: Triumph

4/22/2020 11:20:24 AM

I. New Content

II. Changes

III. Mission War

I. New Content

1. DX Dungeon: Flame Nest

    1. Dungeon Information
Requirement LV.190 and above / BSLV.11 and above 
Duration 30 minutes
Entrance Port Lux (X:229, Y:62)
Entry Item Devil’s Broken Horn (Account Bound)

Peddler Unon at Bloody Ice sells for 1 million Alz + 1 Divine Stone
DP Reward 8 DP
Entry Member 2
Daily Entry Limit None
Daily Play Time Weekday: 16 Hours / Weekend: 16 Hours
    1. Dungeon Drop List
Box or Monster Item
Relic Box Palladium Armor (Normal/ Low Epic)
Slot Extender (High/Highest/Ultimate)
Force Core (Ultimate)
Upgrade Core (Highest/Ultimate)
Legacy Box Palladium Armor (High Epic)
Demonite Armor (normal)
Bike Blue / RW3 / PW5
Bike Parts (Highest)
Slot Extender (High/Highest/Ultimate)
Force Core (Ultimate)
Upgrade Core (Highest/Ultimate)
Effect Core (Piece)
Legendary Box Palladium Armor (High Epic)
Demonite Armor (Low/High Epic)
Blue Bike / RW3 / PW5 / QW7
Bike Parts (Highest/Ultimate)
Palladium Epaulet
Demonite Epaulet
Slot Extender (High/Highest/Ultimate)
Essence Rune – Ignore damage reduction
4 types of mercenary pieces
Force Core (Ultimate)
Upgrade Core (Highest/Ultimate)
Effect Core (Piece)
    1. Dungeon Clear Achievement & Title
Name of the Achievement Contents Count Reward
Devils in Intensive Heat, 1st Flame Nest clear 3 5 achievement points
10 8 achievement points
30 8 achievement points
50 10 achievement points
70 10 achievement points
100 Title – ‘Who Quiets Intense Heat I’ (HP +50 / Attack Rate +50)
Devils in Intensive Heat, 2nd Flame Nest Clear 300 20 achievement points
500 20 achievement points
1000 Title - Who Quiets Intense Heat II (HP +100 / Attack Rate +100)
Devils in Intensive Heat, 3rd Flame Nest Clear 2500 35 achievement points
5000 35 achievement points
10000 Title - Who Quiets Intense Heat III (HP +200 / Attack Rate +200)
25000 70 achievement points
50000 Title - Who Quiets Intense Heat IV (HP +300 / Attack Rate +300)

2. Holy Windmill

    1. Dungeon Information

Requirement LV.130 or above / BSLV.11 or above / Force Wing activated Character
Duration 25 minutes
Entrance Port Lux (X:23, Y:25)
Entry Item

Mysterious piece from a Stone Statue(Account bound) Peddler Unon from Bloody Ice sells at 500,000 Alz + 10 Force Essences
D[ Reward 5 DP
Entry Member Maximum 2
Daily Dungeon Entry Limit 3 Times / Reset available up to 2 times (Cost: 15,30 Force Gems each)
Daily Play Time None


  • Drops in dungeon


Box/Monster Item Name 
Relic Box Force Core (Highest/Ultimate)
Wing Elixir
Legacy Box Force Core (Highest/Ultimate)
Wing Elixir
Legendary Box
(=Legendary Cube)
Force Core (Highest/Ultimate)
Wing Elixir
Higs Treasure Chest Lucky Elixir


  • Introduction to Dungeon Quest


Name Holy Windmill
Requirement Lv. 131 or above
Type Normal Quest (No Repeat)
Related NPC Yerte (Core Alchemist) from Port Lux
Reward Mysterious Piece from a Stone Statue (Account Binding)


  • Dungeon Clear Achievement & Title
    1. Holy Windmill added to Guild Treasure [Dungeon] category
    2. Holy Windmill dungeon clear mission added to Guild Mission Festival


3. Collection System

  1. Outline & Start
    1. Collect item and register to get rewarded
      1. Every character on an account share the reward
      2. Opening collection & applying stats can be activated only after completing the quest by character
    2. Activating Collection
      1. New quest 'Eite’s Great Goal' Added
        - Quest Starting Level: Upper Lv.100
        - Quest NPC: Weapon Dealer Eite at Port Lux
        - Quest Mission: Handing over the quest item ‘Fine suitcase’ to NPC
        - Quest Reward: Activating Collection
      2. 'Fine suitcase' Request Recipe Added
        Demand Advocacy Level Name of the Request Registration Fee Acquisition Advocacy Level Time Required Recipe Option Success Probability
        Required Item Number
        - Fine Suitcase - - 6 seconds Force Core (Medium) 10 Character bound 100%
      3. Collection activates when quest is completed (Collection icon created at the bottom of the game screen)
  2. Collection UI
    1. Open through collection icon & menu
      1. Collection icon added at the left side of the menu bar on the bottom of the game screen

        - When collection slots are filled by obtaining items, ‘new’ shows up on collection item
      2. Collection, transformation UI added to CABAL menu
    2. Collection UI

      1. Collection list
        - Shows every collection in each collection category, moves on to selected collection mission page when clicked
        - ‘?’ shows up on a selected tab or collection list when the user has an item that can be registered in the collection
        - Completed mission automatically moves to bottom when the user clicks collection list
      2. Collection Mission
        - Shows mission list, name and number of the necessary item(s)
        - Shows all the registrable items while the mouse cursor is over a mission item
        - ‘?’ shows when registrable item required for the mission is in possession
        - Shows registration information tooltip when the mouse cursor is over the item
      3. Rewards
        - ‘Get reward’ button activates when all the missions of selected collection are completed
        - Button message changes to ‘acquisition complete’ when mission reward is given
      4. Showing Completion & Complete Effect
        - Shows completion through total number of mission items/ total number of registered items in selected collection
        - Shows completion effect when specific collection is completed
      5. Completion list
        - Shows overall collection completion percentage list and complete effect
  3. Collection procedure
    1. Register collection item
      1. Shows collection registration UI when the user clicks item slot that the user wants to register in collection UI
        - Registrable items in inventory are shown when item registration UI is opened
      2. Add item in slot by autofill, drag registration item, Ctrl+click registration item
      3. Item registration in each mission is completed when registration button is pressed
      4. Able to register universally in one item slot
        - Ex1) Register Palladium Epaulet: All Palladium epaulet of Warrior/Sage/Guard/Law are registrable
        - Palladium Weapon +5: Regardless of Class/Epic/Slot/Binding, all Palladium Weapon +5 are registrable
      5. Non-registrable item
        - Weapons with upper Extreme Upgrade / Divine Upgrade / Normal Upgrade +15 (including craft equipment)
        - Chaos Upgrade applied accessory
        - Part of option scroll (Critical Rate / Max Critical Rate Up / Sword Amp. Up / Magic Amp. Up)
        - Periodical item
        - Quest-exclusive item
      6. Tooltip shows when the mouse cursor is over an registered item in item registration UI
    2. Increase soul core drop used to complete world collection mission in each world Collection Reward
      1. Forcegem awarded through ‘Get reward’ button in UI when collection mission is completed
      2. Completing All Collections
        - Overall collection completion reward is automatically obtained after completing missions in collection and obtaining each reward
        - Completion effect automatically applies when collection completeness becomes 100%
    3. Transformation

      1. Add ‘Transformation’ list and transformation UI in the CABAL Menu
      2. Monster transformation card provided when certain collection missions are completed
        - Monster transforming skill activates when user right clicks transformation card item
      3. Place and use activated monster transforming skill from transformation UI onto quick slot
      4. Possible/impossible activities while transforming
        - Possible: movement, SP restoration
        - Impossible: Warp movement, PvP battle, mission battle, Use of agent shop, trade, use of personal shop

4. Guild Treasure

  1. BP (Battle Point)
    1. Point that is not affected by character level or stats
    2. Point total: 10,000. Points restore 1 every 4 seconds
    3. Guild Treasure creation costs points
    4. Set and remove guild representative character
      1. When guild representative character is set, BP is restored to 10,000 (maximum)
      2. When representative character is removed as leaving guild, new representative character will have same BP as the old one
  2. Join & gain guild treasuren
    1. Join condition
      1. Only guild representative character can join (joins automatically)
      2. Characters other than guild representative can check treasure rate and weekly rank
    2. Guild treasure list
      1. When guild treasure condition is met during the game, window shows up informing that treasure is rewarded
      2. Guild treasure can be obtained by using BP
      3. When guild treasure is rewarded, system message shows who obtained the treasure
      4. Guild treasure list generation condition and BP consumption
        Category Generation condition BP Consumption
        War Gain 150 points from Mission War 1,000
        Gain 300 points from Mission War 1,200
        Gain 700 points from Mission War 1,400
        Gain 1200 points from Mission War 1,600
        Gain 2100 points from Mission War 1,800
        Gain 3200 points from Mission War 2,000
        Gain 4300 points from Mission War 2,200
        Gain 5400 points from Mission War 2,400
        Gain 6500 points from Mission War 2,600
        Gain 7600 points from Mission War 2,800
        Gain 8700 points from Mission War 3,000
        Gain 9999 points from Mission War 3,200
        Gain 10900 points from Mission War 3,400
        Gain 12000 points from Mission War 3,600
        Gain 13100 points from Mission War 3,800
        Dungeon Panic Cave (Premium) clear 1,000
        Steamer Crazy (Premium) clear 1,000
        Catacomb Frost (Premium) clear 1,000
        Lava Hellfire (Premium) clear 1,000
        Lake in dusk clear 2,000
        Ruina Station clear 2,100
        Tower of the Dead B1F clear 2,200
        Volcanic Citadel clear 2,300
        Forgotten Temple B1F clear 2,500
        Hazardous Valley (Easy) clear 2,500
        Hazardous Valley (Normal) clear 2,550
        Tower of the Dead B2F (Part1) clear 2,600
        Hazardous Valley (Hard) clear 2,700
        Illusion Castle Underworld clear 2,800
        Altar of Siena B1F clear 2,900
        Forbidden Island clear 3,100
        Illusion Castle Radiant Hall clear 3,200
        Altar of Siena B2F clear 3,300
        Panic Cave (Awakened) clear 3,450
        Steamer Crazy (Awakened) clear 3,450
        Catacomb Frost (Awakened) clear 3,450
        Lava Hellfire (Awakened) clear 3,450
        Forgotten Temple B2F clear 3,500
        Hazardous Valley (Awakened) clear 3,550
        Maquinas Outpost clear 3,600
        Forbidden Island (Awakened) clear 3,600
        Forgotten Temple B2F (Awakened) clear 4,000
        Tower of the Dead B3F (Part2) clear 4,000
        Abandoned City clear 4,800
        Tower of the Dead B3F clear 4,600
        Edge of Phantom clear 4,400
        Pandemonium clear 3,700
        Acheron Arina clear 3,800
        Mirage Island clear 5,000
        Illusion Castle Underworld(Apocrypha) clear 4,000
        Illusion Castle Radiant Hall(Apocrypha) clear 4,200
        Forgotten Temple B3F clear 5,200
        Upgrade Normal upgrade +15 success 1,000
        Normal upgrade +16 success 1,500
        Normal upgrade +17 success 1,400
        Normal upgrade +18 success 1,300
        Normal upgrade +19 success 1,200
        Normal upgrade +20 success 1,100
        Chaos upgrade +10 success 1,000
        Chaos upgrade +11 success 900
        Chaos upgrade +12 success 800
        Chaos upgrade +13 success 700
        Chaos upgrade +14 success 600
        Chaos upgrade +15 success 500
        Chaos upgrade +16 success 500
        Chaos upgrade +17 success 400
        Chaos upgrade +18 success 300
        Chaos upgrade +19 success 200
        Chaos upgrade +20 success 100
        Divine upgrade +7 success 1,000
        Divine upgrade +8 success 1,200
        Divine upgrade +9 success 1,100
        Divine upgrade +10 success 1,000
        Divine upgrade +11 success 900
        Divine upgrade +12 success 800
        Divine upgrade +13 success 700
        Divine upgrade +14 success 600
        Divine upgrade +15 success 500
        Reach Upgrade Point 1500 1,500
        Reach Upgrade Point 2000 1,400
        Reach Upgrade Point 2500 1,300
        Reach Upgrade Point 3000 1,200
        Reach Upgrade Point 3500 1,100
        Reach Upgrade Point 4500 1,000
        Reach Upgrade Point 5500 900
        Reach Upgrade Point 6500 800
        Reach Upgrade Point 8000 700
        Reach Upgrade Point 9500 600
        Reach Upgrade Point 11500 500
        Reach Upgrade Point 1350 400
        Reach Upgrade Point 1550 300
      5. Created treasure list is available to every guild member
      6. Guild treasure item list
        Item Level
        Potion of Experience/Honor/Transcendence/Wing Receive different level of item depending on the treasure creation difficulty level
        Weapon/armor option scroll
        Soul core
        Shape Cartridge (Lv. 1), (Lv. 2), (Lv. 3), (Lv. 4)
        Upgrade Core (Piece) -
        Force Core (Piece) -
        Fragment of Chaos -
        Divine Stone Fragment -
        Jewelcube Piece (Emerald) -
    3. Receive guild treasure
      1. Able to receive guild treasure list within 30 hours
        - When not received, guild treasure list is automatically deleted
      2. Unable to create new treasure list when it reaches the maximum number of treasure (300)
      3. Unreceived items are deleted when user leaves guild
  3. Guild golden treasure box
    1. Guild golden treasure box point given every time guild treasure list created
      1. Receive different amount of points depending on normal treasure list
    2. Able to receive when guild golden treasure box point reaches 10,000
      1. Points do not accumulate when user doesn’t receive guild golden treasure box
    3. Guild golden treasure box item list
      Drop List
      Upgrade Core (Low ~ Ultimate)
      Force Core (Low ~ Ultimate)
      Agent Yul’s Bracelet (1 Day Period Item)
      Bluestin ~ Demonite Epaulet
      Astral Bike Card - Blue/RW3/PW5/QW7
      Slot Extender (Low ~ Ultimate)
      Ring of Luck +1, +2, +3, +4
      Critical Ring +1, +2, +3, +4
  4. Guild Treasure Level
    1. Guild treasure level experience earned when guild golden treasure box created
    2. Value of rewarded item from guild golden treasure box increases as guild treasure level is high
      1. Does not affect guild treasure list
  5. Weekly guild rank
    1. Can check treasure point earned by guild members and rank
    2. Renewed every hour, reset every Monday noon
  6. Jewelcube Piece (Emerald)
      1. Item obtained from guild treasure box
      2. Removed on Monday 5AM as Special Exchange Coupon
        1. Jewelcube Piece (Emerald) created on Sunday is removed on 5AM following week
      3. Available to exchange to ‘Jewelcube Of Union (Emerald)’ from Guild Shop
    Item Period Price Stat Feature
    Jewelcube of Union (Emerald) 1 hour 20 Jewelcube Piece (Emerald) All Attack +10 Attack Rate +50 HP +50 Defense +10 DMG Reduction +5 All Skill Amp. +1% Critical DMG UP +2% Able to equip at the same time
    3 hours 50 Jewelcube Piece (Emerald)

5. Expanded merit Mastery System – ‘Platinum Insignia Added’

  1. Split Merit Mastery
    1. Split Merit Mastery
      1. Merit Mastery divided into Golden Insignia and Insignia Badge
      2. Golden Insignia: Original Merit Mastery. Applied to account characters Lv.170 and above
      3. Platinum Insignia: New Merit Mastery. Applied to account characters Lv.200 and above
    2. Golden Insignia, Platinum Insignia Tab added in Merit Mastery UI
  • Merit Rank-Up
    1. Rank-Up Condition
      1. Gain All Masteries of Golden Insignia
      2. Use all Golden Insignia Merit Points
    2. When conditions are met, Rank-Up button will activate in Platinum Insignia UI
    3. Rank-Up Ingredients: 100 Merit Medal Exchange Tickets + Wexp 20,000
    4. Rank-Up Result
      1. Golden Insignia Rank Up to Platinum Insignia
      2. Platinum Insignia Merit Points will be given when Merit Medal is reported (Merit Score given by Merit Medal Level will be same as before when Merit Medal is reported)
      3. The extra 30% Honor Score given when Max Level of Merit was reached, will be applied only after Rank up
  • In-Game UI

  • Platinum Insignia Mastery
    1. Merit Score & Point: Max Merit Score is 360,542 points, Max Merit Point is 2,052 points.
    2. Mastery Category
      1. Organize into 6 categories in total, Merit Score needed for learning all the masteries is 3,472 points.
      2. Color classification made by category list according to mastery acquisition status
        - Categories with no Mastery gained will be indicated in white
        -Categories with at least one Mastery will be indicated in the relevant Mastery Memory number color (each Mastery has a given color)
      3. Number of Masteries indicated on the right of Category name
  • Platinum Insignia Mastery Slot Added
    1. Platinum Insignia Mastery Slot must be opened to earn the Mastery
    2. Cancel Opening of Mastery Slot
      1. May click to cancel opening the Slot, in order to open another Slot and etc.
      2. Materials used for opening the Slot cannot be returned
  • Special Mastery
    1. Activate Special Mastery
      1. Activated by learning ‘Expand Special Mastery’ in each Mastery Category (may only learn up to 4)
    2. Grant Special Mastery Stats
      1. Click ‘Grant Special Mastery’ button under each category
      2. Grant Stat Recipe: 5 Merit Medal Exchange Tickets + Wexp 1,000
      3. 2 Special Stats will be granted at the same time in random
      4. Stats may be granted in categories where special Mastery is not active
  • Mastery Memory
    1. Save current Mastery Memory status
    2. How to Start
      1. Click registration button at the top of Platinum Insignia UI (to register Mastery Memory on Quick slot)
      2. Choose icon one of No.1/No.2/No.3 page to register on Quick Slot
      3. When using registered Quick Slot of Mastery Memory, current status will be saved
      4. Page number can be changed after registration
    3. Saves Special Mastery
    4. Can make Mastery combination anytime by using Mastery Memory
    5. Slot open Status is same even if user changes Pages
  • Item ‘Elixir of Golden Insignia’ added
    1. Using Elixir gives Golden Insignia point (same use as other Elixir)
    2. Limit on simultaneous usage
      1. Can be used up to maximum Merit Points (max 9,999 can used at the same time)
      2. Unable to use Elixir when maximum Golden Insignia Point is already reached
      3. Unable to use when Golden Insignia is already ranked up to Platinum Insignia
    3. Rewards only Character-Binding or Account-Binding, unable to register on Agent Shop
  • Added ‘Elixir of Golden Insignia’ to Special Coupon Machine
  • Added Guild Treasure Category (Currency)
    1. Guild treasure (Currency) can be received only when player purchases Cash Shop Package Item
    2. Treasure earned by (Currency) Category does not affect Contribution rank
  • New item 'Time Reducer – Platinum Insignia' added
    1. Reduces opening time of Platinum Insignia Mastery Slot
    2. Can receive from Guild Treasure
      1. Randomly given in Guild Treasure level 5min / 10min / 30min / 1hr / 3hrs / 8hrs / 12hrs / 1day / 3days (Account Binding Item)
    3. Image / How to use
        1. In Game Image

      1. Click ‘Open accelerate’ button in Platinum Insignia UI
      2. Right Click ‘Time Reducer’ Item in inventor
    4. Maximum Use Condition
      1. Ex) If Remaining Time is 17h 20m, Can use 3 Time Reducer (8h) / 6 Time Reducer (3h) / 18 Time Reducer (1h)
  • List of Guild Treasure Items
    1. Adjusted chance to receive original rewards to adjust for addition of ‘Time Reducer’

6. Force Wing Transcendence Added

  1. When Force Wing Max Level (Currently Normal Lv.100) is reached, Wing can be transcended
  2. How to transcend

    1. When Force Wing Max Level is reached, a ‘Transcendence’ button will appear in the original Force Wing UI
    2. Once the Transcendence Button is clicked, a ‘Force Wing Transcendence’ window will pop-up
      1. Required item (Essence of Wing) for transcending the Force Wing will be shown
      2. Shown as (Current Quantity No.) / (Required No.), may click Transcendence button to Rank-Up one step if materials are available
  3. Related New item Added
    Item Name Wing Essence
    How to Gain Legendary Box drop in Holy Windmill Dungeon
    Required No. 15 for first trial of Transcendence
  4. Transcendence Result
      1. In-game image

    1. Force Wing Rank rises one stage (Normal Level → Rare Level)
    2. Force Wing is reset to Lv 1.
    3. Able to change looks of Wings and color of Force Wing button shown in the upper left of the screen
  5. Growth of Force Wing
    1. Training Points
      1. 2 Training Points gained immediately by becoming Rare Level through Force Wing Transcendence
      2. After reaching Lv. 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100, 1 point of training point will be gained, 2 for reaching 100./li>
  6. Force Wing Stats
    1. Same as before: HP, All Attack, Defense will increase by 1 every level
    2. Though the level is reset, stats will continue to accumulate and increase
    3. Example: When Force Wing Rare is Lv.50, then HP is +150 / All Attack +150 / Defense +150
  7. Force Wing Skill
    1. When Force Wing is transcended, the level of the gained Wing Skill will rise automatically
    2. Skill Stat
      Skill Name Stat
      Normal (Lv.1) Rare (Lv.2)
      Wing Fly Movement Speed + 15 Movement Speed + 30
      Wing Assault Wing DMG Up +10% Wing DMG Up +25%
      Wing DMG Activate 1 time Wing DMG Activate 1 time
      Consume SP 500 Consume SP 500
      Consume MP 50 Consume MP 100
      Duration 10 sec Duration 12 sec
      Reuse Cooldown Time 180 Sec Reuse Cooldown Time 180 Sec
      Wing Protect Wing Protect 1 time Wing Protect 2 times
      Consume SP 500 Consume SP 500
      Consume MP 50 Consume MP 100
      Duration 5 sec Duration 6 sec
      Reuse Cooldown Time 180 Sec Reuse Cooldown Time 180 Sec

7. Explorer’s Cube

  1. Cube item that can gain collection materia
  2. Sale
    Item Sale Agent Price
    Explorer’s Cube (Medium) DP Exchange NPC Peticia in Port Lux 1,000,000Alz + 10DP
    Explorer’s Cube (High) 1,500,000Alz + 15DP
    Explorer’s Cube (Highest) 2,000,000Alz + 20DP
  3. Created item
    Item Drop List
    Explorer’s Cube (Medium) Soul Core (Bloody Ice) x 1
    Soul Core (Bloody Ice) x 2
    Soul Core (Bloody Ice) x 5
    Soul Core (Bloody Ice) x 10
    Soul Core (Desert Scream) x 1
    Soul Core (Desert Scream) x 2
    Soul Core (Desert Scream) x 5
    Soul Core (Desert Scream) x 10
    Soul Core (Green Despair) x 1
    Soul Core (Green Despair) x 2
    Soul Core (Green Despair) x 5
    Soul Core (Green Despair) x 10
    Soul Core (Port Lux) x 1
    Soul Core (Port Lux) x 2
    Soul Core (Port Lux) x 5
    Soul Core (Port Lux) x 10
    Soul Core (Port Ruina) x 1
    Soul Core (Port Ruina) x 2
    Soul Core (Port Ruina) x 5
    Soul Core (Port Ruina) x 10
    Weapon Option Scroll (Medium) - Additional DMG x 1
    Weapon Option Scroll (Medium) - Additional DMG x 2
    Weapon Option Scroll (Medium) - Additional DMG x 5
    Armor Option Scroll (Medium) - MP x 1
    Armor Option Scroll (Medium) - MP x 2
    Armor Option Scroll (Medium) - MP x 5
    Power Amulet
    Smart Amulet
    Fast Amulet
    Atlas Amulet
    Enlightenment Amulet
    Quickness Amulet
    Amulet of Regist +1
    Defensive Earring +1
    Ring of Luck +1
    Critical Ring +1
    Belt of Rapid +4
    Belt of Vital
    Belt of Guard
    Shape Cartridge (Lv2) x 1
    Shape Cartridge (Lv2) x 2
    Shape Cartridge (Lv2) x 5
    Explorer’s Cube (High) Soul Core (Undead Ground) x 1
    Soul Core (Undead Ground) x 2
    Soul Core (Undead Ground) x 5
    Soul Core (Undead Ground) x 10
    Soul Core (Forgotten Ruin) x 1
    Soul Core (Forgotten Ruin) x 2
    Soul Core (Forgotten Ruin) x 5
    Soul Core (Forgotten Ruin) x 10
    Soul Core (Lakeside) x 1
    Soul Core (Lakeside) x 2
    Soul Core (Lakeside) x 5
    Soul Core (Lakeside) x 10
    Soul Core (Mutant Forest) x 1
    Soul Core (Mutant Forest) x 2
    Soul Core (Mutant Forest) x 5
    Soul Core (Mutant Forest) x 10
    Weapon Option Scroll (High) - Additional DMG x 1
    Weapon Option Scroll (High) - Additional DMG x 2
    Weapon Option Scroll (High) - Additional DMG x 5
    Armor Option Scroll (High) - MP x 1
    Armor Option Scroll (High) - MP x 2
    Armor Option Scroll (High) - MP x 5
    Bracelet of Fighter +2
    Bracelet of Fighter +4
    Bracelet of Sage +2
    Bracelet of Sage +4
    Extortion Bracelet +3
    Extortion Bracelet +4
    Bracelet of Brute
    Bracelet of Brute +2
    Bracelet of Serenity
    Bracelet of Serenity +2
    Life Absorb Bracelet
    Life Absorb Bracelet +2
    Mana Absorb Bracelet
    Mana Absorb Bracelet +2
    Bracelet of Seven Coin +3
    Earring of Guard +3
    Earring of Guard +4
    Vampiric Earring +3
    Vampiric Earring +4
    Force Regeneration Earring +3
    Force Regeneration Earring +4
    Earring of Seven Coin +3
    Critical Ring +2
    Ring of Luck +2
    Belt of Prevent +4
    Belt of Damp +4
    Shape Cartridge (Lv3) x 1
    Shape Cartridge (Lv3) x 2
    Shape Cartridge (Lv3) x 5
    Explorer’s Cube (Highest) Soul Core (Pontus Ferrum) x 1
    Soul Core (Pontus Ferrum) x 2
    Soul Core (Pontus Ferrum) x 5
    Soul Core (Pontus Ferrum) x 10
    Soul Core (Porta Inferno) x 1
    Soul Core (Porta Inferno) x 2
    Soul Core (Porta Inferno) x 5
    Soul Core (Porta Inferno) x 10
    Soul Core (Arcane Trace) x 1
    Soul Core (Arcane Trace) x 2
    Soul Core (Arcane Trace) x 5
    Soul Core (Arcane Trace) x 10
    Soul Core (Senillinea) x 1
    Soul Core (Senillinea) x 2
    Soul Core (Senillinea) x 5
    Soul Core (Senillinea) x 10
    Weapon Option Scroll (Highest) - Additional DMG x 1
    Weapon Option Scroll (Highest) - Additional DMG x 2
    Weapon Option Scroll (Highest) - Additional DMG x 5
    Armor Option Scroll (Highest) - MP x 1
    Armor Option Scroll (Highest) - MP x 2
    Armor Option Scroll (Highest) - MP x 5
    Bracelet of Fighter +5
    Bracelet of Fighter +6
    Bracelet of Fighter +7
    Bracelet of Fighter +8
    Bracelet of Sage +5
    Bracelet of Sage +6
    Bracelet of Sage +7
    Bracelet of Sage +8
    Extortion Bracelet +5
    Extortion Bracelet +6
    Extortion Bracelet +7
    Earring of Guard +5
    Earring of Guard +6
    Vampiric Earring +5
    Vampiric Earring +6
    Force Regeneration Earring +5
    Force Regeneration Earring +6
    Critical Ring +2
    Ring of Luck +2
    Critical Ring +3
    Ring of Luck +3
    Ring of Fighter +6
    Ring of Sage +6
    Ring of Champion +6
    Shape Cartridge (Lv4) x 1
    Shape Cartridge (Lv4) x 2
    Shape Cartridge (Lv4) x 5

8. Stackable Elixir Potion

  1. Earn fixed quantity of reward when used with potion item
  2. Type
    Item Name Reward
    Experience Elixir Experience
    Skill Elixir Skill Experience
    Training Elixir Pet Experience
    Honor Elixir Honor Points
    Amity Elixir Amity
    Honor Medal Elixir Honor Medal Score
    Transcendence Elixir OXP
    Wing Elixir Force Wing EXP
  3. Requirement
    Item Requirement
    Low Medium High Highest
    Unity Elixir (Experience) Lv.100 Lv.130 Lv.170 Lv.191
    Unity Elixir (Transcendence) Transcendence Level 10 Transcendence Level 25 Transcendence Level 40 Transcendence Level 55
    Unity Elixir (Honor) Honor Grade 9 Honor Grade 12 Honor Grade 15 Honor Grade 18
    Unity Elixir (Wing) Lv. 130 Lv. 130 Lv. 130 Lv. 130
    Unity Elixir (Honor Medal) Honor Grade 20 Honor Grade 20 Honor Grade 20 Honor Grade 20

9. Character Face / Hairstyle Renewal

  1. Renewal of Male/Female character Face (4 types), Hairstyle (7 types)
  2. Automatically changes existing character’s appearance (Face and Hair) based on start selection value in same order as before

10. In-game Cash Shop Renewal

    1. Added in game cash shop quick Slot icon at Bottom left Menu Bar

      1. Same icon shown as Remote Shop/Grocer’s Cash shop icon
      2. Added WEB Indicator to Distinguish WEB Item Shop
      3. Reorganized Icon location, Left Side –In game reward, Shop / Right Side – Game play function

11. JewelCube

  1. Extended Link Weapon Slot

    1. Link weapon slot in ‘etc’ tap in inventory is increased from 1 to 5
      1. Original 1 link weapon slot remains
      2. 1 Honor slot added
      3. 3 JewelCube slot added
  2. Equipment item by slot
    Equipment Slot Name of item
    Link Weapon Legacy Weapon (Not used for now)
    Saint’s Forcecalibur
    PvP Weapon
    Honor Honor of Nevareth (Rank.1)
    Honor of Nevareth (Rank.2)
    Honor of Nevareth (Rank.3)
    Honor of Nevareth (Rank.4)
    Honor of Nevareth (Rank.5)
    Honor of Nevareth (Rank.6)
    Badge of Unity
    JewelCube Natural JewelCube (Ruby)
    Shining JewelCube (Ruby)
    Brilliant JewelCube (Ruby)
    Natural JewelCube (Sapphire)
    Shining JewelCube (Sapphire)
    Brilliant JewelCube (Sapphire)
    Natural JewelCube (Emerald)
    Shining JewelCube (Emerald)
    Brilliant JewelCube (Emerald)
  3. New item 'JewelCube'
    1. Equipment
      1. Able to equip anywhere among 3 Jewelcube slots
      2. Able to equip same Jewlcube items at the same time
        - Able to equip Natural Jewelcube(Emerald) in all 3 slots
      3. Concurrent equipment restriction function
        - Some Jewelcubes are not able to equip at the same time
        Name of Item Possibility of equipping at the same time
        Natural JewelCube (Ruby) X
        Natural JewelCube (Sapphire)
        Natural JewelCube (Emerald)
        Shining JewelCube (Ruby)
        Shining JewelCube (Sapphire)
        Shining JewelCube (Emerald)
        Brilliant JewelCube (Ruby) O
        Brilliant JewelCube (Sapphire)
        Brilliant JewelCube (Emerald)

II. Changes

1. Improved Essence Rune –Ignore DMG Reduction

Level Stat
Previous Now
1 5 8
2 10 6
3 15 24
4 20 32
5 25 40
6 30 48
7 35 56
8 40 64
9 45 72
10 50 80

2. Extended Maximum Slot of Essence Rune

  1. Extended Maximum Slot of Essence Rune (Before 30 - After 60)
  2. Extended Number of Usable Rune Extenders
    1. Before: Basic 16 + Extension 16 = Maximum 32 Slots
    2. After: Basic 16 + Extension 44 = Maximum 60 Slots
  3. Rune Slot Extender – Changed Essence Item Description / Changed Number of unused Rune Slot indicator

3. How to Gain Drosnin’s Earrings

  1. Before: After finishing ‘Cursed Drosnin’ quest, chance of Drosnin Earrings drop from reward box
  2. After: Drosnin Earrings now obtainable via percent chance after defeating final boss
    1. Boss Monster ‘Ratzel of Reason and Wind’ does not drop the key of wind any more

4. Upgrade Core (Ultimate) added to Present Box Rewards

5. Blazing Crystal Now sold in Peddler Unon NPC Shop and Remote Shop

6. Guild Mission Festival Changes and Additions

  1. Personal Rank added
    1. Personal rank calculated based on earned guild score
    2. Personal ranking reward added
      1. Reward given based on personal ranking
      2. Personal ranking reward condition (must satisfy all)
        - Earned guild score must be above standard score
        - Belonged guild score must be above standard score
        - A user is marked yellow when the user has more than needed score
      3. Different to guild rank reward, reward and rank matches many-for-one, not one-to-one
        - Ex) guild rank reward: different reward to 3rd, 4th, 5th / personal rank reward: same reward to 3rd, 4th, 5th
      4. When there is same score, users share same rank’s reward
        - Ex) When 2 people are ranked 1st with a score of 1,000, they both get 1st place reward
        - However, should there be the same number of people rewarded; 2nd place does not exist
      5. User and reward for personal rank are set by tool
    3. Change of guild reward UI
      1. UI title changed to 'rank'
      2. Personal tab added
        - Shows list of users who are able to earn personal rank reward
        - UI opens as my character is chosen
        - My character is marked as orange
      3. Guild tab remains the same
    4. Contribution ranking is changed to personal rank on my information
      1. Previous: shows my contribution rank in guild
      2. change: shows added personal rank (only shows contribution rank in contribution rank UI)
    5. Personal rank added in season result UI
  2. Guild rank reward expansion
    1. Guild rank reward items are expanded to maximum of 100
    2. Since there are maximum of 100 reward items, the guild rank can also be expanded to 100th place to receive reward
      1. Ex) When there are 5 items for reward for each rank, guild rank is set to 20th
  3. Change to point reward
    1. Original 1 of 5 point reward item is changed to fixed reward
      1. Previously: Must choose 1 of 5 items
      2. Now: 1 of 5 item is fixed + choose and earn 1 of 4 items
    2. Fixed reward is provided together with chosen reward of corresponding grade
  4. Mission improvement
    1. Item acquisition mission
      1. Previously: Mission is not completed when dropped bind item is earned through rolling dice with a form of a party
      2. Now: Included as mission when item and looted and put into inventory no matter of form of party or rolling a dice/li>
    2. Alz Usage mission
      1. Purchasing Warp Stone doesn’t count in mission counting check
    3. Entering Flame Nest mission added

7. Epic Booster Grade Separation

  1. One common booster is separated to Medium / High / Highest
    1. Only matching level of Epic Booster is usable with the using object
    2. Usage condition except level is same as before
    3. Original Epic Booster is usable from Medium to Highest as before
  2. Changes in sales of epic Booster from Port Lux’s NPC Chloe shop
    1. Previous all-level-usable epic booster is no longer available
    2. 3 Epic Boosters of each level added
      Name of Item Purchase Price
      Epic Booster (Medium) Elemental Crystal x 6
      Epic Booster (High) Elemental Crystal x 9
      Epic Booster (Highest) Elemental Crystal x 12
  3. Usage object explanation Added on each Epic Booster
    Original Common Epic Booster Epic Booster(Medium)
    Weapon: Upper Bluestin ~ Palladium +15
    Armor: Upper Bluestin ~ Palladium +15
    Weapon: Upper Bluestin ~ Shadow Titanium (Aqua) +15
    Armor: Upper Bluestin ~ Shadow Titanium +15
    Epic Booster(High) Epic Booster(Highest)
    Weapon: Upper Osmium (Lapis) ~ SIGMetal +15
    Armor: Upper Osmium ~ SIGMetal +15
    Weapon: Upper Mithril ~ Palladium +15
    Armor: Upper Mithril ~ Palladium +15
  4. Changes related to agent shop
    1. Specification of epic Booster level category
    2. Put registered original Epic Booster items as time-limited

8. Drop change in some dungeons

Dungeon Name Box Name Drop Added Drop Change
Previous Now
Ruina Station Treasure Box Titanium upper epic armor    
Relic Box Titanium upper epic armor    
Mirage Island Relic Box Demonite normal Equipment - -
Slot Extender (Ultimate)
Legacy Box Demonite low epic Equipment - -
Demonite upper epic Equipment
Legendary Box Demonite upper epic Equipment - -
Forgotten Temple B3F Relic Box Demonite normal Equipment - -
Slot Extender (Ultimate)
Legacy Box Demonite low epic Equipment - -
Demonite upper epic Equipment
Legendary Box Demonite upper epic Equipment - -
Critical Ring +4
Ring of Luck +4
Earring of Guard +8
Earring of Guard +9
Force Regeneration Earring +7
Vampiric Earring +9
Chaos Arena Lv.1 - - Perfect Core (Low) Enchant Safeguard (Low)
Perfect Core (Medium) Enchant Safeguard (Medium)
Chaos Arena Lv.2 - - Perfect Core (Medium) Enchant Safeguard (Medium)
Perfect Core (High) Enchant Safeguard (High)
Chaos Arena Lv.3 - - Perfect Core (High) Enchant Safeguard (High)
Perfect Core (Highest) Enchant Safeguard (Highest)
Chaos Arena Lv.4 - - Perfect Core (High) Enchant Safeguard (High)
Perfect Core (Highest) Enchant Safeguard (Highest)
Chaos Arena Lv.5 - - Perfect Core (High) Enchant Safeguard (High)
Perfect Core (Highest) Enchant Safeguard (Highest)
Chaos Arena Lv.6 - - Perfect Core (High) Enchant Safeguard (High)
Perfect Core (Highest) Enchant Safeguard (Highest)
Chaos Arena Lv.7 - Upgrade Core (Ultimate) Perfect Core (Highest) Enchant Safeguard (Highest)
Perfect Core (Ultimate) Enchant Safeguard (Ultimate)
Upgrade Core (Highest)  
Force Core (Highest)  
Force Core (Ultimate)  

9. Change in potion & material item maximum combination limit

Item Type Item Name Maximum number combined Note
Previous Now
GM’s Holy Water GM’s Blessing (Lv.1) Holy Water - 999 -
GM’s Blessing (Lv.2) Holy Water
GM’s Blessing (Lv.3) Holy Water
GM’s Blessing (Lv.4) Holy Water
Fury Potion Fury Potion (Lv. 1) 50 999 -
Fury Potion (Lv. 2)
Fury Potion (Lv. 3)
Fury Potion (Lv. 4)
Fury Potion (Lv. 5)
Buff Potion Evasion Potion 50 127 -
Vital Potion
Sharpness Potion
Mana Condense Potion
Hardness Potion
Sword Master Potion
Magic Master Potion
Damage Reduction Potion
Accuracy Potion
Penetration Potion
Charisma Pan’s Sunny Side Up Fried Egg
Charisma Pan’s Fried Egg With Ketchup
Merit Medal Exchange Ticket Merit Medal Exchange Ticket 127 999 New item type changed to Materials (Quests → Materials)

10. Change in skill animation

Warrior Blader Force Acher
Flash Draw Flash Draw Power Shot
Impact Stab Impact Stab All Arrow Skills
Power Stab Stab Slash Critical Shot
Heavy Slash Triple Slash All Blast Skills
Press Impact Rising Shot Explosion Shot
Rising Shot Double Rising All Lance Skills
Rising Blade Death Cross Poison Arrow
Raging Thrust Hasing Dance All Cannon Skills
Rolling Crash Storm Grind Curse of Wither
Cascade Break Round Cut Shadow Shot
Sword Cannon Mirage Grind Drilled Shot
Terra Break Twin-moon Slash Prismatic Arrow
  Blade Cry  
Wizard Force Shielder Force Blader
Burning Hand Flash Draw Flash Draw
Freeze Impact Step Impact Step
All Arrow Skills Force Step Force Step
Dig Bomb Shield Shock Force Slash
Icicle Shower Power Slash Force Break
All Blast SKills Slash Break Rising Shot
Wind Cutter Rising Shot Soaring Shot
Hydro Disk Soaring Shot Illusion Step
All Lance Skills Wild Strike Force Drive
Lightning Strike Guillotine Dance of Ruin
All Cannon Skills Earth Divide Round Cut
Vacuum Round Cut Infernal Stigma
Chain Explosion Storm Crush Abyssal Crystal
Energy Field Blade of Judgement Force Impact
Arctic Field Shield Ray  
High Regeneration Shield Explosion  
Extreme Dual Cannon    
Spirit Intension    
Mass Restore    

11. Change in Eternal Chaos Arena / Glacies Inferna Daily Entrance Count

  1. Eternal Chaos Arena: Changed from 60 to 50
  2. Glacies Inferna: Changed from 70 to 40

12. Temporary elimination of social skill 'Dance2(Tell-me dance)' due to copyright term expiration

  1. When Dance2 skill is used, Dance3 is activated
    1. /dance2, /dancing2, tell-me
  2. Dance3 is used normally as before

13. Error fixed where Warp Stone and Protection of Veradrix couldn’t be used in quick slot

14. Modified mission festival mission balance

  1. Revised some mission’s requested quantity and time limit

15. Error fixed where marked client casting time of skill and real animation play time were different

    1. Targeted skill
Battle Style Skill Name Casting Time
Previous Now
Warrior Lance Drive 6.0 3.0
Blader Mirage Grind 3.8 3.7
Hawk Hunter 2.4 2.4
Crushing Blow 6.7 2.7
Wizard Icicle Shower 1.9 1.9
Wind Cutter 2.0 1.7
Hydro Disk 2.1 1.8
Acid Trap 2.5 2.5
Chain Explosion 2.2 2.2
Energy Field 1.1 1.3
Elemental Festival 5.0 6.7
Force Shielder Shield Storm 6.0 2.5
Force Blader Prismatic Blade-Cannon 4.3 6.7
Force Gunner Surface Impact 2.7 2.0
(FG)Magic Arrow 1.8 1.5
(FG)Terra Arrow 1.8 1.5
(FG)Aqua Arrow 1.8 1.5
(FG)Wind Arrow 1.8 1.5
(FG)Fire Arrow 1.8 1.5
(FG)Freezing Arrow 1.8 1.5
(FG)Lightning Arrow 2.0 1.7
(FG)Magic Blast 2.0 1.7
(FG)Stone Blast 2.0 1.7
(FG)Aqua Blast 2.0 1.7
(FG)Wind Blast 2.0 1.7
(FG)Fire Blast 2.0 1.7
(FG)Ice Blast 2.0 1.7
(FG)Lightning Blast 2.0 1.7
(FG)Magic Lance 1.8 1.5
(FG)Terra Lance 1.8 1.5
(FG)Aqua Lance  1.8 1.5
(FG)Wind Lance  1.8 1.5
(FG)Fire Lance  1.8 1.5
(FG)Freezing Lance 1.8 1.5
(FG)Lightning Lance 2.0 1.7
(FG)Magic Cannon 2.0 1.7
(FG)Stone Cannon 2.0 1.7
(FG)Aqua Cannon 2.0 1.7
(FG)Wind Cannon 2.0 1.7
(FG)Fire Cannon 2.0 1.7
(FG)Crystal Cannon 2.0 1.7
(FG)Lightning Cannon 2.3 2.0
Common (except FA, FG) Magic Arrow 1.8 1.5
Terra Arrow 1.8 1.5
Aqua Arrow 1.8 1.5
Wind Arrow 1.8 1.5
Fire Arrow 1.8 1.5
Freezing Arrow 1.8 1.5
Lightning Arrow 2.0 1.7
Magic Blast 2.0 1.7
Stone Blast 2.0 1.7
Aqua Blast  2.0 1.7
Wind Blast  2.0 1.7
Fire Blast  2.0 1.7
Ice Blast  2.0 1.7
Lightning Blast  2.0 1.7
Magic Lance 1.8 1.5
Terra Lance 1.8 1.5
Aqua Lance 1.8 1.5
Wind Lance 1.8 1.5
Fire Lance 1.8 1.5
Freezing Lance 1.8 1.5
Lightning Lance 2.0 1.7
Magic Cannon 2.0 1.7
Stone Cannon 2.0 1.7
Aqua Cannon 2.0 1.7
Wind Cannon 2.0 1.7
Fire Cannon 2.0 1.7
Crystal Cannon 2.0 1.7
Lightning Cannon 2.3 2.0
Common Board Skill #2 2.0 2.0
Board Skill #3 1.9 2.0

16. Error fixed where Stackable item (including GM’s Blessing Holy Water) could be combined when there’s none

III. Mission War

1. Separation of Mission War Tiers

  1. Separation of mission war section
    Before After
    52~79Lv 52~79Lv
    80~109Lv 80~109Lv
    110~139Lv 110~139Lv
    140~169Lv 140~169Lv
    170~200Lv 170~199Lv (Changed)
    - 200Lv (New)
    1. Applied to both Tiera Gloriosa and Memoria Chrysos
  2. Separation of receivable Merit Medal/Honor Medal Score
    Level Section Reward
    Lv. 170~199 Merit Medal Exchange Ticket
    Lv. 200 Merit Medal Exchange Ticket
    Honor Medal Score
  3. Limits added to honor medal score / level sharing condition
    Before After
    Character level upper 170 Character level upper 200
    Honor Grade 20 Honor Grade 20
    Nation affiliated character Nation affiliated character
  4. Score/rank and winning streak/losing streak information initializes on the day of update based on section separation

2. Mission war balance adjustment

  1. Mission war period of Tiera Gloriosa decreased from 50 minutes to 40 minutes
  2. Adjusted balance of Legacy Guardians. structures and gold coin guardians.